How to learn boxing at home

How To Learn To Be A Good Boxer At Home [Full guideline]!

If you look at the beginning of any sport or even any institution, you will see that they were actually made by a gradual, slow process, from nothing at all. Well, nothing material, at the least. Apparently, it was some kind of desire or need that led to the invention, expansion, and institutionalization of many things. Boxing is such a popular sport so many people try to be good boxer at home.

So, when you look back at the sport of boxing, the beginning seems quite clear. There were maybe street fights between rivals which took a group-competition form where two rivals were sent to fight each other while their teams cheered for them. Slowly but gradually, it took a sports form with rules and limitations to keep the boxers safe.

Nowadays, people consider training with the guidance of a trainer to learn boxing or any such sport. The reason is pretty clear and it is that raw, true, form of the sport that the learner wants to learn. Even princes used to learn from the best trainers when there were kingdoms and wars between them.

However, this norm does not mean that you cannot do better alone. In fact, you could develop your own technique in a way yourself that you can beat a trained boxer on your first fight. This is because it is still just a sport and you are a human who has capabilities that no one can grasp the depth of.

So, you might want to find out how to learn boxing at home for many different reasons. It could be that you do not have access to a boxing club for location or finances. Or, it could be that you just do not want to take up a new routine in your already jam-packed schedule.

Another reason might be that you want to accomplish the skills of boxing all alone without giving anyone a clue. Whatever the reason might be learning how to become a good boxer at home will help you more than your hours at the club. While the stances may not be the most correct, they sure will be more passionate and well-though about.

How to Learn Good Boxing at Home: Why learn it?

There are so many different kinds of exercises and things to learn to develop your body and mind but why would you choose boxing? Here are a few reasons:

  • Body Coordination: When you are boxing, you have to use your reflexes, mind and the whole of your body. You have to be aware, respond with your hand and legs and also move fast. Since you have to be on defense and also offend, even with a slight improvement in your boxing, the coordination between your body and mind will improve.
  • A full workout: Boxing itself will make your whole body work. However, when boxing, you will learn that you have too many other exercises to prepare for it as well. You can read the best article on boxing workout for beginners to learn all the right tips and tricks on boxing workouts.
  • Self-defense: If you choose yoga as your go-to exercise, you will only find peace and fitness and won’t be able to protect yourself when in danger. Boxing is something that will provide you with fitness, pleasure and also defense. If you are under a mob attack suddenly, your accuracy and strength will be much better than that of a person who has never boxed.
  • Mental peace: All kinds of exercises surely help to keep your mind peaceful but there is nothing as useful as boxing in keeping it stress-free. As a human, your natural instinct to people or things you do not like is physical aggression. Getting home from a long day at work with a rude boss, you can take out your desire to punch him on a boxing bag much safely than on the boss himself.

How to become a good boxer at home: Where to start?

Do you know which is the hardest part of starting new things at home? The beginning part. It is because you are quite clueless about where to start without the guidance you need. So, if you have actually decided that you are interested in boxing and you want to know how to learn boxing at home then here are some things you have to do.

1. Know it.

If you are just looking to learn boxing at home by being inspired by a movie like ‘Rockie’ then stop right there. Take a breath and examine yourself. Do you really want to get into this?

Look at other aspects of boxing than just the positive movie aspect. Know what you are getting into and what you require. This is because you have to be the strongest and most determined when you practice at home.

If you slack off, you will never learn boxing as there will be no one to push you harder past the difficulties.

2. Watch real boxing fights and training.

It may be using your laptop or by going to the nearest boxing show, you have to see an actual boxing fight. YouTube will have records of many historic fights as well. The first step to knowing something is to let your brain absorb all the information about it and process it. It’s a really effective way to become a good boxer at home.

This will help you visualize what you have to do better when you start doing it.

3. Read books on boxing.

Although this is the era of the internet, you will never gain as much knowledge as you can from books from the internet. The Internet provides you with a good range of areas but not the depth. So, if you want to know boxing and its correct, precise moves and rules, read books on it. You can find a list of best books on boxing and boxers from here.

4. Watch tutorials.

Well, the internet may not be enough but it sure does help to visualize. You will find many boxing tutorials online and these will definitely help you get a basic idea. And, the basic idea is what you need to form your beginner routine at home.

5. Form a workout routine.

Even before you start swimming or playing tennis, you warm yourself up, right? You have to do something similar when you start boxing. Apparently, you should set up a routine of exercises to do every day with intervals and counts.

This can include squats, sit-ups, running, etc. What these will help you achieve is a body that is ready to box and once you start boxing, to help you get better.

For example, running will help your speed and stamina, sit-ups will help your thigh strength and control, etc. Focus on exercises that will aim at the body parts that you feel weak at. And, do not forget to follow the routine every single day. If you want to become a good boxer at home then you must follow a workout routine.

6. Get a mirror and a boxing bag if possible.

Want to learn boxing in its truest form? Then, you do not only have to know the moves but you have to master them as well. The only way to know what you are doing is correct is to watch yourself in the mirror.

Since there will be no trainer to correct you, you have to let your own judgemental eyes do that by checking yourself in the mirror.

Apart from that, if you really want to learn boxing then you should consider buying a boxing bag too. Because it will give you just the right platform to practice and improve on.

You may find boxing gears for beginners really helpful for choosing the right kind of equipment.

7. Know your boxing stance.

The first thing you have to get right the moment you start boxing is your position. Like every other sport, boxing also has one precise, correct position that will help you do better. In this case, you have to remember things like keeping your hands raised up at your front in fists in a boxer-like stance.

Furthermore, it involves even more precise details like keeping your dominant hand behind the non-dominant one. It does not leave your lower body alone either. You have to keep your legs apart at a distance greater than the length of your shoulders.

Likewise, there are many small details that will help you learn boxing faster. If you do not get even one of this right, you will face difficulties with your speed, power and much more.

8. Know how to move correctly.

Once you figure out the exact stance for boxing that will help you get better every day, you have to figure out the right moves too. You do not only want to throw string punches but you want to be fast to the defense as well. This is where your footwork comes in.

Apparently, in boxing, you grad your feet rather than jumping on them. It may seem to you that the boxers are just hopping on their feet when you watch a fight but that’s not true. If you look carefully or have read a book on it, you will know that they drag when they move.

This way your feet will be on the ground and provide you with balance at all times. You do not want to deal with balancing yourself, defending and attacking at the same time and you cannot. So, learn the dragging movement to keep a check on your balance automatically while you focus on other aspects of boxing.

9. Do Shadow Boxing.

Among the many exercises, you can do to learn boxing better without equipment shadow boxing is the best. This is basically where you mostly practice on your defense moves. However, you just fight with the air.

You need space and mirror to know how you are doing. You can check this video to learn how to shadow box.
How to lean shadow box

10. Bring in a sparring friend.

You may have mastered all the defense and attack moves perfectly but can you actually use it in a fight? The only way to find the answer is to fight a live opponent. With time you will learn to interpret how humans react to your movements and also be able to defend yourself.

The process will definitely be fun. However, it is best if you find a friend who is equally passionate about boxing as you are. Or else, he/she might never want to see you again in fear that you will force him to fight and take a beating as well.

11. Lastly, practice.

Even people who learn boxing at gyms can never be proper boxers only for one good reason- lack of attention and practice. Therefore, even though you are learning how to become a good boxer at home, you can dream big. However, you must practice really hard and also be very attentive.

You should always move to the next move after perfecting the previous. In fact, you should always focus on evolving despite the difficulty. You surely do not want to be stuck at a certain level, right? Practice make maximum perfect, so you need to practice regularly if you want to become a good boxer at home.

How To Learn Boxing At Home Without Equipment

Learning boxing at home without equipment can be a bit challenging, but it’s definitely possible. Here’s a guide to help you get started:

1. Basic Stance:

Start by learning the basic boxing stance. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, one foot forward and one foot back. Keep your knees slightly bent, and your weight on the balls of your feet.

2. Footwork:

Practice your footwork. Move forward, backward, left, and right. Learn to pivot on the balls of your feet to change direction quickly.

3. Shadow Boxing:

Shadow boxing is a great way to practice your movements and technique without any equipment. Imagine an opponent and throw punches in the air. Focus on maintaining proper form.

4. Punches:

  • Jab: Practice the jab, which is a quick, straight punch with your lead hand.
  • Cross: Add the cross, a powerful straight punch with your rear hand.
  • Hooks and Uppercuts: Practice hooks (side punches) and uppercuts (upward punches) with both hands.

5. Defense:

Work on defensive moves such as slipping, ducking, and weaving. This involves moving your head to avoid punches.

6. Core Workouts:

A strong core is essential for boxing. Incorporate exercises like planks, sit-ups, and leg raises into your routine.

7. Cardiovascular Training:

Boxing involves a lot of cardio. Incorporate activities like running, jumping jacks, and high knees to improve your cardiovascular fitness.

8. Stretching:

Flexibility is crucial in boxing. Stretch regularly to improve your range of motion and prevent injuries.

9. Educational Resources:

Watch online tutorials and videos to learn proper techniques. Many boxing coaches share valuable tips on YouTube.

10. Mental Training:

Develop mental toughness. Boxing requires focus, discipline, and resilience. Practice visualization and stay motivated.

11. Create a Routine:

Establish a consistent training routine. Set aside specific times each day or week for your boxing workouts.

12. Get Feedback:

If possible, record yourself and analyze your movements. You can also share videos with online communities or forums to get feedback from experienced boxers.

13. Safety First:

Be mindful of your surroundings to avoid injury. Clear the space you’re using for training, and make sure there are no obstacles.

14. Nutrition:

Pay attention to your diet. A well-balanced diet is crucial for energy, recovery, and overall health.

15. Consistency:

Consistency is key. Stick to your training plan and gradually progress as you improve.

Remember that while learning at home is possible, nothing replaces the guidance of a qualified coach. If possible, consider joining a local boxing gym or seeking virtual coaching to refine your skills.

Boxing Training At Home For Beginners

Training for boxing at home can be a great way for beginners to build basic skills, conditioning, and fitness. Keep in mind that safety is crucial, so make sure you have proper equipment and consult with a fitness professional or boxing coach if possible. Here’s a basic guide to get you started:

Equipment Needed:

  1. Hand Wraps: Protect your hands and wrists.
  2. Boxing Gloves: Choose gloves that fit well and provide adequate protection.
  3. Jump Rope: Great for cardio and footwork.
  4. Heavy Bag or Shadow Boxing Space: A heavy bag is ideal, but if you don’t have one, find a clear space for shadow boxing.
  5. Mirror: Helps you check and improve your form.


Start with a 10-15 minute warm-up to increase your heart rate and flexibility.

  • Jump rope: 3-5 minutes
  • Shadow boxing: 5 minutes
  • Bodyweight exercises (jumping jacks, burpees, etc.): 5-7 minutes

Basic Techniques:

  1. Stance:

    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Step your dominant foot back, keeping your weight on the balls of your feet.
    • Guard up, elbows in, chin down.
  2. Jab and Cross:

    • Jab with your lead hand (left for orthodox, right for southpaw).
    • Cross with your rear hand.
    • Focus on speed, accuracy, and proper form.
  3. Hooks and Uppercuts:

    • Practice left and right hooks.
    • Add uppercuts with both hands.
  4. Footwork:

    • Move around, practice lateral movement, and pivots.
    • Coordinate punches with footwork.

Bag Work or Shadow Boxing:

  1. Bag Work:

    • Throw jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts.
    • Move around the bag.
    • Mix in defensive moves like slips and rolls.
  2. Shadow Boxing:

    • Visualize an opponent and practice your combinations.
    • Focus on footwork and head movement.


  1. Jump Rope: Integrate jump rope intervals for cardio.

  2. Bodyweight Exercises: Push-ups, squats, burpees for strength and endurance.

  3. Core Work: Planks, Russian twists, leg raises.

Cool Down:

Finish with a 10-15 minute cool-down:

  • Stretch your arms, shoulders, legs, and back.
  • Focus on flexibility and relaxation.

Training Schedule:

  • 3-4 times a week: Include a mix of technique, bag work, shadow boxing, and conditioning.
  • Rest: Allow at least one or two days of rest to prevent overtraining.


  • Start Slow: Focus on form before speed and power.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you feel pain (not to be confused with muscle fatigue), take a break.
  • Stay Consistent: Consistency is key for improvement.

If possible, seek guidance from a coach or join a virtual training program for personalized feedback. Always prioritize safety and gradually increase intensity as you progress.

How To Start Boxing At Home With A Punching Bag

Starting boxing at home with a punching bag can be a great way to improve your fitness, strength, and boxing skills. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Choose the Right Punching Bag: Select a heavy bag that is appropriate for your skill level and goals. Heavy bags come in various sizes and weights. Beginners often start with a bag weighing around 70-100 pounds.

2. Set Up Your Space: Find a suitable space in your home with enough room to move around the bag. Make sure there are no obstacles or breakable objects nearby.

3. Invest in Proper Gear: Get the necessary gear to protect yourself and enhance your training experience. This may include hand wraps, boxing gloves, and possibly a mouthguard.

4. Learn Basic Punches: Familiarize yourself with basic punches, including jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts. Focus on proper technique to maximize the effectiveness of your workouts.

5. Warm-Up: Perform a thorough warm-up before each session. This can include jumping jacks, shadow boxing, and light stretching to prepare your muscles for the workout.

6. Follow a Routine: Create a structured workout routine that includes a mix of cardio, strength training, and skill development. Include rounds of punching the bag with rest intervals.

7. Work on Footwork: Footwork is crucial in boxing. Practice moving around the bag, maintaining balance, and pivoting your feet to improve agility and positioning.

8. Incorporate Defense Techniques: Don’t just focus on offense. Work on defensive techniques such as slipping, blocking, and weaving to enhance your overall boxing skills.

9. Mix It Up: Keep your workouts interesting by incorporating different drills and combinations. This will prevent boredom and help you progress in your skills.

10. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key to improvement. Set a regular schedule for your boxing workouts and stick to it.

11. Record Yourself: Use a smartphone or camera to record yourself during workouts. This can be a helpful tool for self-assessment and improvement.

12. Stay Safe: Pay attention to your body and avoid overtraining. If you’re a beginner, start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the intensity as your fitness improves.

13. Seek Guidance: Consider seeking guidance from online tutorials, boxing programs, or hiring a virtual trainer to provide feedback on your technique.

14. Listen to Your Body: If you experience pain or discomfort beyond normal muscle soreness, take a break and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.

Remember, while training at home can be effective, it’s important to seek proper instruction to ensure you’re using correct techniques and minimizing the risk of injury. If possible, consider consulting with a professional boxing coach or joining online training programs for guidance.

How To Start Boxing At Home Without A Punching Bag

Starting boxing at home without a punching bag is entirely possible, and you can focus on building your skills, conditioning, and technique. Here’s a guide to help you get started:

  1. Warm-up: Begin with a thorough warm-up to prepare your body for exercise. Include light jogging, jumping jacks, and dynamic stretches to increase your heart rate and flexibility.

  2. Footwork: Work on your footwork, as it is crucial in boxing. Practice moving forward, backward, and sideways. Shadowboxing is an excellent way to incorporate footwork into your routine.

  3. Shadowboxing: Stand in front of a mirror or an open space and practice your punches, combinations, and defensive movements. Focus on proper form, hand positioning, and head movement.

  4. Basic Punches: Master the fundamental punches: jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. Pay attention to your stance and hip rotation for power. Practice throwing these punches in combinations.

  5. Defense Techniques: Practice defensive movements such as slipping, bobbing and weaving, and parrying. These skills are essential for avoiding punches from your opponent.

  6. Conditioning: Incorporate cardiovascular exercises into your routine to build endurance. Jump rope, run, or do high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts to improve your overall fitness.

  7. Strength Training: Strengthen your core, legs, and upper body through bodyweight exercises or light weight training. This will enhance your punching power and overall stability.

  8. Speed and Agility: Work on improving your hand speed and agility with drills like rapid punching, ladder drills, and cone exercises. This will help you react quickly in the ring.

  9. Routine and Consistency: Establish a regular training routine. Consistency is key to improvement in boxing. Aim for at least 3-4 sessions per week, adjusting the intensity based on your fitness level.

  10. Educational Resources: Watch instructional videos or subscribe to online boxing tutorials. There are many resources available that can provide guidance on technique, strategy, and training drills.

  11. Partner Drills: If possible, practice with a partner for sparring drills, even if it’s just light and controlled movements. This will help you develop your timing, distance management, and defensive skills.

  12. Cool Down: Always finish your session with a cool-down to stretch your muscles and prevent injury. Focus on static stretches for your shoulders, arms, legs, and back.

Remember to listen to your body and progress at your own pace. If you decide to pursue boxing more seriously in the future, consider joining a local gym for proper guidance and supervision from experienced trainers.


Conclusion of Good Boxer at Home

Many times, the plethora of sports clubs available all around us are just profitable business offering basic knowledge and training that you could get anywhere. So, if you do not want to spend money on it then you can just try at home. Dedication and practice can take you a longer way than just guidance.

We have covered almost everything you need to know about how to learn boxing at home. If you follow each of these steps carefully, dutifully and mindfully then you will definitely do much better than the beginners in any club.

2 thoughts on “How To Learn To Be A Good Boxer At Home [Full guideline]!”

  1. Pingback: How To Wrap Your Hands For Boxing Without The Loop? - Boxing Is On

  2. Pingback: How to Choose the Right Punching Bag for Your Workout? - Boxing Is On

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